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Port Welfare Committee Working towards a welcoming
Rotterdam port

Target audiences

Rotterdam, a city and port where everyone is welcome.

Welcome to the Port of Rotterdam!

The Port of Rotterdam is a place where hospitality comes first. This applies to you as a seafarer, as a volunteer, or as a concerned resident. As the Port Welfare Committee (RPWC), we want to play a major role in this. By allocating funds to initiatives that support the welfare of seafarers in the port and that make seafarers enjoy visiting the Port of Rotterdam more. At the same time, we ensure that the work of welfare organizations in the port receives the attention it deserves.

The RPWC want to be there for everyone: for the seafarer, the welfare organization, the concerned resident, and the volunteer. Together we make the port a home. This website is a wonderfull tool if you would like to know more about:

Would you like to contribute to
a welcoming Rotterdam port?